Download Forms File Manager

How do I get here? Setup ► Download Forms ► Download Forms File Manager

TBS has long supported the ability to make documents/forms available for download by users. This module is called "Download Forms".  This module allows clients to provide Downloadable forms and documents targeted to different user types (Internal, Agents, Customers, and Wholesalers).

The File Manager is used to upload, over write, and/or delete the files that can be made available to the various system users. Files can be of any type if desired. There is a file size limit of 20MB. Files can be uploaded and then made available on the following portals using the Download Forms Manager tool.

  1. Agent Portal: Channel Support Menu ► Sales Tools ► Agent Forms
  2. Standard & Custom Customer Portal: Forms ► Form Heading
  3. Wholesale Customer Portal: Customers Menu ► Forms ► Wholesale
  4. Internal TBS users: Customers ► Forms ► Standard or Wholesale Forms
  5. Internal TBS users: Channel Support ► Sales Tools ► Agent Forms
Security Sales Tools
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions N/A

The File Manager is used to upload, over write, and/or delete the files that can be made available to the various system users.

Add a New Document - Click the "Browse" button to find a file on the local file system to upload. This will open a Browse dialog box to select the file. Once the file is selected, Click the "Upload File" button. Next steps would be to use the Download Forms Manager tool to determine who can access the document.

Important Note: If the Overwrite checkbox is selected, the system will overwrite/replace any existing file that may have the same exact name without warning.

View Existing Document - Once the file is uploaded, it can be viewed by clicking the View icon next to the document in the list

Delete Existing File - A file can be deleted from the list by clicking the Delete icon next to the file name.

Important Note: If a file is deleted, it will NOT automatically be removed from any Download Form entries setup on the Download Forms Manager. If a file is in use, it is best practice to update any Download Form entries first and then delete the file from the download forms file manager.